Your support and contributions will help us to buy food, personal items, and to keep our building and equipment in good shape. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
We are a 501(c)(3) organization.
Federal EIN 20-5886345
Listed below are items that we can currently use. New, unopened/unused is always best. Sized for one or two people is good. For example, travel-size shampoo bottles are much better than a gallon jug.
This list may change frequently. We can never know for sure what we will receive on a given day.
16 oz jars of peanut butter
Bar Soap
Disposable Razors
Boxes of Breakfast Cereal
Toilet Paper
5 lb. bags of All-Purpose Flour
Boxes of Macaroni and Cheese
Canned Tuna
Baking Mix
Coffee, whole bean or ground
Tea bags
Liquid laundry detergent, less than a gallon size
Liquid dish detergent, smaller sizes
Wet dog food
Dry cat food, large bags ok
You can bring your donations any weekday from 10-12:30. The address is 59 NW Ava Avenue in Gresham. Come to the back of the building and look/ask for a staff member. We can get you a receipt if you want one. (We may be busy; please be patient) If possible, please mark the bag/box "Donation to Zarephath." Thank you!!
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1516
Gresham, Oregon 97030
59 NW Ava Avenue Gresham, Oregon 97030, United States
Zarephath Kitchen Phone: (503) 667-2692 Zarephath Pantry Phone: (503) 667-7932 Email: In person: Stop by during our business hours.
A nonprofit is as strong as the community that holds it up. Together, we can do more than we can do alone.
Contact us to find out more about volunteer opportunities, food drives, and other ways to support our cause of feeding hungry people.