Zarephath Pantry Pet Guidelines (Thursdays). Your dog must be well behaved and under control at all times. You may be in line for over an hour; it may be best to leave your pet at home, with a friend, or safely in your car.
Zarephath Kitchen Pet Guidelines: When the Kitchen is serving meals, only controlled service dogs are allowed on Zarephath property. A Service Dog is not the same as an Emotional Support Dog or pet. If you have a dog with you, you will be asked:
1. Is your service animal required because of your disability?
2. What tasks has the dog been trained to perform?
REF: OES 659A.143-Assistance Animals
If your dog is an ADA qualified Service Dog, it may assist you in our back yard meal line and dining area. It must be in control at all times.
If your dog is not an ADA qualified Service Dog, we have made arrangements for you to eat your meal with your pet away from the main dining area. Please talk to a staff member if you have questions.